Aaron received a GoBeGreat award for selfless service after creating outstanding learning platforms designed to empower students and challenge educators to a new way of teaching.
Hart embodies the mission of Go Be Great as he shares the importance of social and emotional learning in schools. Utilizing multiple free educational outlets to spread his message of empowered learning, Hart is changing the landscape of education.
He created and authored Varsity Brand’s Believe in You SEL curriculum. This includes a video series hosted by D1 basketball player, Kevin Atlas. Atlas was the first D1 athlete to play with one arm. In this encouraging series, Atlas helps students to learn persistence, mental health and patience. Other prominent athletes have even joined in the effort to motivate young people using the Believe in You Series!
Hart also created 40-week empowerment journals for students to accompany the Believe in You Series as well as free open curriculum programs for physical educators.
Since its inception in 2014, the OPEN project has reached more than 100,000 educators and has served over 50 million students worldwide with more than 4 million downloads.